Woodland works wonders

School Breakfast & Lunch

Please click on Welcome Letter below for information on school menus,

pre-ordering, pre-payment, allergy awareness, and more!

First page of the PDF file: WelcomeMorrisSchoolDistrict
First page of the PDF file: WelcomeMorrisSchoolDistrict-Sp
First page of the PDF file: Morris24-25PromotionalCalendar

Breakfast and lunch are available at each school in the district. 


Applications are available through PaySchools. Once you create your account, the Free & Reduced Application will be available to complete online.  Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, also qualify for free/reduced breakfast.

Please note that you do not have to print out the application if you complete it online; it will be electronically sent to the Board Office once completed. You may also complete an application using a computer in the main office of your child's school or request a paper application. 

Click the link below for instructions on how to create your PaySchool account.


set up your Payschools account here!PAYSCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONS - SPANISH


***Meal Prices for School Year 2024-2025***

Elementary Breakfast


Elementary Lunch


Middle School Breakfast


Middle School Lunch


High School Breakfast


High School Lunch


Reduced Price Breakfast


Reduced Price Lunch





Checks are made payable to "Morris School District".

For INTERACTIVE MENUS at each school, as well as nutrition/allergen information, please click box below:

district breakfast & lunch menus


Mobile users must download the free FDMealPlanner app. (IOS devices use the app store and Android devices the Google store)

No username or login is required for either platform to view data and menus; however, if you want to save data or preferences, you will need to create a username and password.

1.  In the search bar, under FIND YOUR LOCATION, type in your district’s name (Morris) and click on the search icon.  All schools in the Morris School District will appear.  

2.  Select the school name within Morris, then select the meal period.  A pop up window will appear that says VIEW MENU, which is the terms and conditions agreement for viewing menus.  Click the green VIEW MENU button to proceed.  The school selected will now appear.  

3.  The default language is English. However, you can select another language to translate the menu from the top right corner.

4.  To view nutritional or allergen information, simply click on any menu item.  You can also rate the meal, leave comments or save the meal in your preferences (user login and password are required for saving data).

5.  In addition to seeing one menu item, you can build a meal to see what an entire day's menu looks like.  Click the orange BUILD A MEAL tab on the upper left side of the menu.  Select a day from the date box.  When the menu items appear in list format for the day selected, you can click the checkbox next to any menu item and the nutritional data and allergens will appear to the right.  If you continue selecting multiple items, that data will add up so you can see the total as a cumulative for the meal you have built.  You can click on the menu items directly to view the ingredient statement information.

6.  To search for menu items while eliminating specific allergens or to use dietary preferences, use the ALLERGEN & DIETARY button.  Items containing selected allergens will be struck through and ones with chosen dietary preferences will be highlighted.  Once checked off, close the window using the X in the upper right corner.

If you do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, please follow these procedures for purchasing school breakfast or lunch:

  • Payment may be made in cash or check (payable to "Morris School District"
  • Backpack an envelope with your child's name on it, marked "Food Services."
    • Include your child's name in the memo line of your check. 
    • You may prepay for multiple breakfasts or lunches with one check or lump sum of money, which will then be deposited onto your child's food services account. 
  • Payment may also be made online through your PaySchools account. (see links above for instructions on how to set up an online payment account); a small fee will be charged with each transaction.  This is a secure and convenient way to make payments and keep your account up to date.

We are excited to introduce our new food service provider, Pomptonian, please stop by and visit the MSD Pomptonian page to learn more:


Please contact Morris School District Food Services if you have any questions:  

Shannon Burton
973-292-2000, Ext. 2126


    USDA Nondiscrimination Statement                                            USDA Nondiscrimination Statement (Spanish)

Letter to Parents

First page of the PDF file: FinalLettertoParents

Breakfast Start/End Times

First page of the PDF file: BreakfastStart_EndTimes