Woodland works wonders

Drop-Off/Pickup Guidelines

Morning Drop-off

  • Morning drop-off begins at 8:40 AM.

  • Cars will follow the cones and form a line. Each vehicle will stop at the designated drop-off area, allow time for the student to exit the vehicle, and then continue in a circular motion to exit the parking lot. All drivers must remain in their cars. Teachers will escort students into the building.

  • It is important that students are ready to exit the vehicle so as not to hold up the line.

** Please do not drop off students before 8:40 as there will be no supervision. 

Afternoon Pick- up

  • Afternoon pickup begins at 3:00.
  • Students with no pickup arrangements are placed on the bus. 
  • For all of September, please place a large sign on your car's windshield with your child's first name, last name, and grade written in black marker.

**Using our pick-up/drop-off line prevents us from crowding Johnston Drive and makes plenty of room for the buses and traffic to get out.

We want to be good neighbors and keep our drop-off/ pick-up safe. Please use the pick-up/ drop-off line instead of parking along Johnston Drive. We need your help in getting the line to move faster, please:

  • The pickup/drop off line is not the time to deliver messages to the staff; please call the office with any important information.
  • Pull up when directed by a staff member
  • Only the first three cars at the cones should load/unload; letting your child out near the middle/back of the car line is not safe
  • Make sure the student is ready to exit the vehicle
  • For Safety, Please do not let students out on the driver's side; they should be exiting the vehicle's passenger side where our staff members are.



Buses will drop off students at the front of the building. The front driveway is reserved for school buses. Please do not pull up in the bus area during drop-off and pick-up.

Change of Dismissal 

Please complete the dismissal change form if you need to change your child's dismissal plans. 

Dismissal Form